April 10, 2019


National Volunteer Week 

This week is National Volunteer Week. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our members who volunteer in both their personal and professional lives. Organizations such as PMI OVOC cannot succeed and continue to thrive without volunteers.

Jennifer Read

Meet your new board members at the Annual Business Meeting: May 2, 2019 

Please join us at the Annual Business Meeting on May 2nd 2019 to meet your newly elected Board members. Registration for the Annual Business Meeting will be opening by the end of the week.

Results are in!

The Elections Committee is pleased to announce the results of the OVOC 2019 Board of Directors elections. There were Seven (7) Director positions open this year. Please congratulate and welcome new and returning members to the OVOC Board of Directors. The winners are:

  • Nadine Fortin
  • Laura Paul
  • Shannon Gregory
  • Jacqueline Burke
  • Violeta Samardzic
  • Taiwo Abraham
  • Ronald Davies

The PMI OVOC Elections Committee thanks all the candidates for participating in this year’s election process. The quality of potential executive and board members willing to stand for election shows how strong and vibrant this chapter is. Without volunteers, many of the chapter activities and initiatives that we take for granted, would not be possible. A special thank you to the general membership, the voter turnout was strong, another indicator of this chapter’s strength and commitment.

The PMI OVOC would also like to thank the 2019 Elections Committee including Names; Terry Koech(Chair), Heidi Theelen and Brenda Williamson.


In addition to the volunteer positions below, the volunteer team is currently looking for additional team members. A VRMS opportunity will be available later in the week. If you are interested, please send an email to volunteers@pmiovoc.org.

Algonquin College: Post Grad PM Students are ready for placements!

Algonquin College has post-graduate Project Management students who are eager to offer 60 hours of complimentary project management services to help with your Ottawa-based project! If you have a field placement opportunity for mid-May to August 2019 or wish to have more information, please click here.

Job Placements: Queen's University looking for 3 Project Managers in IT Services Share on Facebook Twitter Share on Linkedin E-mail article

The Solution Development Directorate of the Information Technology Services (IT Services) department is building a project management practice to deliver technology and business solutions that meet the needs of our clients and align with the University’s strategic vision. We have created three project manager roles to support (1) teaching and learning technologies; (2) the student lifecycle, from recruiting to convocation and beyond; and (3) technology infrastructure architecture and engineering, focused on the network, cybersecurity, data management, and compute capacity. If you are passionate about information technology, if you are flexible in your approach to project management and adept at using and sharing the best that different methodologies have to offer, and if you are able to balance your supportive, personable nature with a strong “get it done” attitude to build strong business relationships, we have a role for you.