The Leader - April 24, 2019
April 24, 2019
Meet your new board members at the Annual Business Meeting: May 2, 2019
The May 2nd, 2019 Annual Business Meeting is complimentary and exclusively for members of the PMI OVOC. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce you to the newly appointed 2019 Board of Directors, explain OVOC operations and to provide a networking opportunity to meet with other chapter members.
Why Attend:
- Discover how your chapter is working for you.
- Let your voice be heard - help us by attending and providing your input to the Chapter operations.
- Learn about the PMI OVOC 2018 successes and what is in store for 2019.
- Enjoy some refreshments while networking with fellow members.
- Win a Door Prize! (among other great prizes, you could win a free pass for a Lunch Seminar, Saturday Seminar or a half-price pass to this year's Symposium.
- If you’re PMP certified, you can earn one (1) PDU under Strategic and Business Management as it pertains to The PMI Talent Triangle®.
- PMI OVOC will register PDUs for you.
Saturday, April 27th half-day workshop
On the eve of the upcoming May Mental Health week, join PMI OVOC in our continued commitment to bringing important sessions involving project team and self-care topics. Success in our work and relationships is based on our mental and emotional resilience. Very little training is ever offered on how we create our emotional states, or the perspectives needed to rise up stronger from the inevitable struggles we face in life. This workshop is for everyone interested in improving the quality of their lives across all avenues. The workshop is ideal for Project Managers that motivate project teams for optimum performance to produce quality results and outcomes.
Learn how Hal Hughes, a former MMA fighter and police officer, rebuilt himself from a suicidal recluse to someone who has become a leader in teaching others how to overcome obstacles in their own lives. For more information and to register, click here.
Call for Symposium Speakers is now open
Do you have an interesting project to share with your peers? Do you have a great fresh approach on a Communications, Leadership or Other topics that you feel every Project, Portfolio, Program Manager should hear and benefit from? Are you involved in a new and emerging field that PM's should be aware of in a changing marketplace? If you answered "yes" to any of the 3 questions we want to hear your ideas. It's that time of the year when the 2019 National Capital Project Management Symposium is looking for excellent speakers to inform, educate, and entertain our attendees.
If interested, please see the following link: We ask that you provide your completed Speaker/Topic Abstract by Friday, May 17th so the Symposium Committee can review and begin putting together a high caliber event. If you have any questions, feel free to email Pete at
In addition to the volunteer positions below, the volunteer team is currently looking for additional team members. A VRMS opportunity will be available later in the week. If you are interested, please send an email to
Algonquin College: Post Grad PM Students are ready for placements!
Algonquin College has post-graduate Project Management students who are eager to offer 60 hours of complimentary project management services to help with your Ottawa-based project! If you have a field placement opportunity for mid-May to August 2019 or wish to have more information, please click here.
Nominations Committee Appreciation
Thank you very much for taking the time to cast your vote. Your support of PMI Ottawa Valley Outaouais Chapter Board of Directors annual elections is appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the Nominations Committee at
Social intelligence, communication and project managers: Sweet spot or an opportunity?
As a long-time project manager, I study what makes project managers tick. Since 2016, I have been collecting VIA Character Strengths data for project managers. This article explores the results of the study of over 250 project managers who have taken the free, 24-strengths VIA Character Strengths Survey.
Find greater success by embracing 'soft' deadlines
New research on project management finds that embracing uncertainty around deadlines can lead to greater success. The work offers a way to peek under the hood of deadlines, map out their uncertainty, and fold it into a project management system.
The power of purpose in projects
Consider the following statistic: 9.9 percent of every dollar is wasted due to poor project performance, according to the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) 2018 Pulse of the Profession Report. That represents $99 million for every $1 billion invested. With the rise of the project economy, this figure is likely to increase. This happens in part because projects are not rooted in a purpose.
4 ways to improve big data project management
By 2022, Statista predicts that big data and analytics revenues will be at 274.3 billion dollars. In health care alone, projections show theindustry could save as much as 300 billion dollars if it could only integrate its big data with other systems and business processes. While these projections on corporate investments and benefits are significant, organizations continue to lag when it comes to effectively manage big data projects.