April 3, 2019


Election Results and Annual Business Meeting: May 2, 2019

The 2019 Elections for the PMI OVOC Board of Directors are now closed and the results will be published later today. Please join us at the Annual Business Meeting on May 2nd 2019 to meet your newly elected Board members.


In addition to the volunteer positions below, the volunteer team is currently looking for additional team members. A VRMS opportunity will be available later in the week. If you are interested, please send an email to volunteers@pmiovoc.org.

Algonquin College: Post Grad PM Students are ready for placements!

Algonquin College has post-graduate Project Management students who are eager to offer 60 hours of complimentary project management services to help with your Ottawa-based project! If you have a field placement opportunity for mid-May to August 2019 or wish to have more information, please click here.

4 attributes of mature project management organizations


The premature death of patients is seldom the main focus for attendees of medical congresses. There is a much greater focus on holistic health management of both people and communities. In contrast, most project management congresses have a very strong focus on project failure, and many of the presentations made include references to the Standish Chaos report, or to project disasters that are eloquently recorded in the Catalogue of Catastrophe.


Why a project management career can weather the economic storm

Business Matters

At a time of political and economic uncertainty, it would seem understandable for many to have concerns over their career prospects, yet according to new research, project management seems to be one profession bucking that negative trend.


Project managers remain in high demand. Here are 5 things that employers can do now to retain their top project talent in the future


Project managers (PM) face many extreme demands on the job. This can lead to burnout, a sense of being unappreciated or worse project managers may be tempted to move on to greener pastures if they feel dissatisfied. As demand increases for PM's, leaving one job for another may happen at any time.