The Leader - February 28, 2019
February 28, 2019
From the President:
I would like to thank all of those members who expressed an interest in putting their name forward for the 2019/2020 Board of Directors. We had a total of 18 people who expressed interest, and from that group a total of 11 people put their names forward for election. The election will be starting on 5 March 2109, and will run until 29 March 2109. I encourage all members to vote. You should receive an email on March 5th with the process that you need to follow for voting. If you have any questions about the election, please contact our Elections Chair, at
PM Summit survey: Remote working leads to longer working hours for Irish project managers
Irish Tech News
PM Summit, Ireland’s premier conference for project and programme managers, recently announced the findings of a new study which reveals that almost two thirds (64 per cent) of project managers with access to remote working said it leads to longer working hours. In fact, 32 per cent report that they work between five and 15 extra hours each week — entirely because of remote working, which equates to working a seven-day week for some and a six-day week for most.
4 ways to evolve your project management
Project management is continually evolving. As business needs change, so do the strategies of project managers. It’s important to keep abreast of the various improvements, adjustments, and disruptions that occur within the project management space lest your company be left behind. Here are four important practices in project management your company should be considering or adopting today.
Job Posting
Project Management and Planning Role: IT Services Executive Assistant to the CIO & AVP- Queen's University!
The CIO & AVP (Information Technology Services) is looking for an Executive Assistant to join our senior management team to provide critical insights, effective communications, and coordination among the four IT Services Directors for initiatives of strategic importance to the University.
In addition to the volunteer positions below, the volunteer team is currently looking for additional team members. A VRMS opportunity will be available later in the week. If you are interested, please send an email to
- Mentoring Project Coordinator
- Planning Support Specialist
- Annual Report Creator
- Information Management Volunteer
- PMP Study Group Coordinator
Why 2019 is the year to try project management as a service
Project management as a service, or PMaaS, has been used in the public sector for more than a decade. It grew out of IT management and agile operations. Instead of managing a project to an end result, PMaaS manages to the objective. It adds a layer that improves the effectiveness through enhanced accountability, greater communication and processes, and deep expertise. It also brings in an independent voice and perspective.
5 ways to make your project management more successful
Efficient project management can turn almost any project into a successful undertaking with the properly assigned tasks, allocated resources, and met deadlines. With a limited application in the past in such spheres as construction and manufacturing, in the 21st century, project management has largely expanded the scale of its application to dozens of other industries.
To scrum or not to scrum? How project managers are changing
Question: A lot of my clients are in the process of transitioning from traditional project methodologies to Agile. There is also talk about Scrum Masters replacing the typical Project Manager role within the Project Management Office (PMO). Is this something I need to worry about? Will the PM role eventually become redundant? What do I need to do to continue to make myself marketable?