The Leader - March 20, 2019
March 20, 2019
The Board of Directors Elections are here!
The Elections Committee has been hard at work for the past few weeks, canvassing the membership for nominees for election to the 2019 PMI OVOC Board of Directors. The team, consisting of Terry Koech (Chair) and the committee members is pleased to present a qualified slate of candidates for election. This newsletter contains bios for all the candidates running in this year’s election - click here for more information.
If you are an active PMI member, you should have received an email with voting instructions. If you did not receive an email requesting your vote, you will not be able to access the online voting page, and you should contact the Election Committee Chair at to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Voting takes place from 5th March to 29th March 2019. It only takes a few minutes to vote, so please take the time to be counted in this important election.
PMI-Montréal's Project Management Symposium
Join us at PMI-Montréal's annual Project Management Symposium on April 4th and 5th! Access the member price using promo code SYMPO-OTTAWA19.
Two days of conferences, workshops and networking. 12 PDUs #symposiumGP
Discover the Impact of Technology and Artificial Intelligence on the future of Project Management. #symposiumG
Hotel discounts available — contact
Pulse of the Profession 2019
Data from the new 2019 Pulse of the Profession® survey show organizations wasted almost 12 per cent of their investment in project spend last year due to poor performance — a number that’s barely budged over the past five years. It’s time to add a new ingredient to that old formula, especially given the fundamental shift in how work is getting done. Few jobs of the future will revolve around a bulleted list of static responsibilities. More and more, people in all roles will be hired to manage a portfolio of projects, and increasingly, those projects will be tied to technology.
Are you a micromanager — or an under-manager?
The Entertainment Project
We hear a lot about micro-management and the tendency some managers have to be a little too involved in their employees’ work. Micromanagement creates frustration and erodes trust among team members. But there is a flip-side to this issue that is just as damaging to individuals and teams: under-management.
The 5 core principles of lean management
Lean project management is rooted in cost-saving manufacturing methodologies. The ultimate goal of lean methodology is to reduce waste. Companies in all industries have adopted lean principles into their own processes, but lean is most suited toward physical manufacturing, engineering and related industries.
The best free Google project management apps out there
Business 2 Community
To succeed as a modern marketing project manager, you and your team must effectively employ a range of tools. Wondering how the suite of free apps from Google measure up? Here’s a deep dive into ways to make these tools work for you and your team.