Symposium Volunteers Kick-off

Ways of Working

We are excited to invite you to the inaugural kick-off meeting of the Symposium Planning Committee. Your dedication and willingness to contribute your time and expertise to this endeavor are greatly appreciated. 

The Symposium Planning Committee plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of this event, and we believe your unique insights and skills will be invaluable in ensuring a memorable and impactful symposium. 



- Welcome and Introductions 

- Overview of the Symposium's Goal and Importance 

- Discussion of Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities 

Communication Channels and Resources 

- Wrap-up and Next Steps 

This meeting will not only provide an opportunity to meet your fellow committee members but also offer insights into the symposium's purpose, your role, and the exciting journey ahead. We look forward to your active participation and input. 


Thank you once again for joining us in this meaningful journey.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Chapter Meetings

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: 12 August 2023

Hour: 13:00 to 13:45

Language: English

# of PDUs: 1






Staples Studio

403 Bank Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1Y6